As your Harris County Precinct 3 Constable, I will lead this office with dedication and commitment to community service, professionalism, integrity and trust. Community partnerships are essential to do our job effectively. Community policing cannot be accomplished without the communities involvement. We are here to work with you as individuals and communities as a whole. We encourage everyone to share their input and feedback on how we can better serve the precinct. We are all in this together.

Constable Sherman EagletonHarris County Precinct 3
Building strong relationships and public trust while keeping crime rates down.
Celebrating Years of Dedicated Service to Harris County Constable Precinct 3!
Please join us in congratulating a few of our own celebrating years of dedicated service to Harris County.
Thank You! Channelview ISD Recognizes School Resource Officers
Throughout Channelview ISD, our School Resource Officers (SROs) play a unique role in the community. Thank you for your dedication to our…
Chop Shop Busted in Channelview
Precinct 3's Crime Interdiction Unit received a tip regarding a possible chop shop operating out of a warehouse in Channelview.