Please join us in congratulating a few of our own celebrating years of dedicated service to Harris County.

Congratulations Deputy A. McCoy on your 5th anniversary with Harris County!
Deputy McCoy began her career in law enforcement as a dispatcher before completing the academy and becoming a deputy. She is an asset to our team and community and we look forward to celebrating many more years with her.

Sgt. M. Magana celebrates 15 years of dedicated service to Harris County.
Sgt. Magana is respected and well known throughout the department and the community. Her ability to be a strong leader while maintaining her sense of compassion and kindness are admired by her peers and those she encounters while serving Precinct 3. Congratulations and thank you for time well served.

Congratulations for reaching 5 years of service Deputy Dashti!
Dep. Dashti has been with the Precinct 3 Family for 5 years and is currently assigned to the Tollway. In his spare time he volunteers with our Honor Guard and is also very active in our Motorcycle Unit.
“Dash” is a department favorite and is known for his positive attitude and willingness to help anyone in need. Thank you for 5 years of excellent service Deputy R. Dashti!